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The Google Cast SDK enables you to extend your Android, iOS, or Chrome app to direct its streaming video and audio to a TV or sound system. Your app becomes the remote control to play, pause, seek, rewind, stop, and otherwise control the media. Google Cast is designed for TV, movies, music, and more. Put your best video content on the biggest screens in the house, or bring your audio content Google Chrome APK 2020 free Download for Android Google Chrome APK 2020 free Download for Android – Google Browser latest version for Android is a combination of sophisticated innovation and a basic user interface, but it still looks beautiful to develop a faster, safer, and easier search experience. Google Chrome 2020 for Android saves quota and is recognized very quickly. Trigger information storage features in Chrome to access the Télécharger Google Chrome Portable : gratuit Télécharger Google Chrome Portable : Google Chrome Portable : Profitez de cette version portable du navigateur web de Google. Télécharger l'appli Qobuz : iOS, Android, Mac et PC Optimisé pour Chrome. Ouvrir le player . iOS. Télécharger. Android. Télécharger. Qobuz Connect. De plus en plus de marques audio connectées ont intégré Qobuz à travers leurs propres applications, d'autres adoptent de nouveaux standards tels que GoogleCast, Microchip JukeBlox. Fini les câbles ! Qobuz est compatible nativement avec de nombreux protocoles d’écoute sans-fil
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